Monday, December 5, 2011


This season of my life is described well in one word: Waiting.

When people ask about updates on me/my life/my car situation, etc. I always sort of shrug, smile and say, "The same. Just waiting." Whether it's waiting on others, waiting to hear from the Lord, waiting until circumstances are a certain way before making a's felt endless. I have seemingly no "answers." Just a farther away finish line than when I started.

Have there been temper tantrums along the way as I wrestle and struggle with waiting? Um, YES. Has God given more grace than I ever could've imagined as He calls me to wait longer and longer? Um. YES.

As the Christmas Holiday is upon us, I have been overcome with MUCH REJOICING as I'm finally in a relationship as I look at Christmas lights or hear festive music or visit family. For years, this has been the most difficult time for me as a single desiring to be married. I think its the most romantic time of the year. It has built my faith to see, "YES! God does answer us in our waiting! I won't be waiting forever."

As I've sought to reflect on the things I've waited FOR over the years, and now have (ie: a godly boyfriend during the Holidays), it has prompted my heart to pray for others who are in that season that I'm so grateful to be out of. I am hoping that in drawing my attention to what I've been given, instead of what I still see as a need, I will be cultivating gratefulness to God, and sensitivity to others. I need to get my focus OFF of me, and stop dwelling on my waiting...while also very much living in it, and trusting God with it.

So, this Christmas, can we join together around the singles in our lives who would love nothing more than to be in a relationship, especially around Christmas...and can we pray for them? Let them know that we're waiting with them? Love on them? Encourage and affirm them? Let them know we're thinking about them?

It can be very very very challenging to enter the Holiday season alone. Especially if most (or all) of your close friends are married or in relationships. Let us take this time to gather around, minister to, and encourage those who might need an extra hug this time of year.

In Andrew Murray's book, "Waiting on God", I read this helpful quote this morning:

"Dear soul, in waiting on God you may often be ready to be weary, because you hardly know what you have to expect. I pray you, be of good courage- this ignorance is often one of the best signs. He is teaching you to leave all in His hands, and to wait on Him alone."

And if you fall into this category: Single and waiting to be married, I pray that the God of all Comfort would meet you today. Would you know His nearness. His peace. His intimate love for you. And would your faith be built as you Trust Him as Lord over all your days.

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