Thursday, January 5, 2012

THE call

Sorry about the last post and being a day early; guess that's what happens when you don't look at the calendar until after blog is POSTED.

Well, folks, it's been one year. A year ago tonight as I headed out the door to Home Group, my phone rang. I screamed and jumped up and down-- met Emily in the hallway as we screamed in disbelief. She was yelling at me to answer.

I ran in the living room, cleared my throat and calmly asked, "Hello?"

...I'd missed the call. :)

Rang back right away and Josh and I set up another time to talk: after Home Group in two hours.

Journal entry January 5, 2011

"Lord! What in the world?! A phone call from Josh? An amazing two+ hour phone conversation about YOU?!

A flat out opening line of why he's calling? This feels like a dream.

I think he might be too sweet for me :) I don't know if he could handle this mess...

Father, please help me guard against imagining parts of his personality and character. If nothing else, I pray for a strong God-centered friendship. Please lead me and guide me. Reveal Your Word to me. Show me his leadership.

Thank you for encouraging my heart and building my faith.
Grow my love for You."

Glory to God.

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