Monday, September 17, 2012

For Moms

Having lived with a large handful of families, my heart is always eager to encourage, help, support moms.

I'm not a mom I'll let this amazing woman do all the talking. If you are a mom in need of

Thursday, September 13, 2012

How He lived.

I've been contemplating and considering the life of Christ a lot recently. In Radical, David Platt uses Christ's example and teaching to challenge a lot of my American mindset.

I've thought and prayed about various homeless ministries I could be apart of. I want to let the challenges in Radical change and alter my cultural mindset. I've been involved in conversations and debates about homosexuality and abortion...and what it means for the Church to love others and stand for truth like Christ has loved and been Truth Himself. Have we begun to compartmentalize sin? {I hate when others do that to me!} I am so aware of the great extent I think we've failed to be Jesus to the world.

And as a few new faces and I began talking about how to "stand up" for what is right, without preaching moralism or being a hypocrite, or interacting with others through a narrow view of "their sin" that bothers us {does OUR sin bother us?}...

I started thinking about Jesus. I wondered what He'd do. Would He be initiating committees and non-profits? How would He deal with homelessness? Would He protest with a sign at an abortion clinic? How would He care for a gay friend?

I pictured Christ speaking to crowds, and then ministering to the individuals He met along His journeys. The lame, the blind, the woman at the well. I was affected by how He loved those He was around...whoever He came in contact with. He didn't seek people out by categories.

In my head I concluded, "Ya, it's not like He came and tried to save the world." And then I laughed...because actually, He did.

But what I tend to think "saving the world" looks like, is changing the world as a whole. In large groups with conferences and megaphones and really good one-liners that are posted and re-posted on fb and cut to the heart so unbelievers see their need for a Saviour. In my mind, all of this is done quickly and effectively. But that is not what Jesus came to do.

He came to save us. And to individually and uniquely save us from our sin. That's the beautiful thing about testimony's: no two are ever alike.

As we discussed in Community Group Tuesday night- there is a temptation to think that we could be more successful in ministry if we had a title or status of some kind.

...but Jesus didn't. He was a carpenter's son. Who loved and served and taught and discipled those whom the Father gave Him.

So as I go about my week nannying, running business and having countless business meetings for insurance, marketing, hiring employees, etc., or as I grocery shop and do laundry at the laundromat, or take my class on Thursday nights, go to youth group, or ride the I being sensitive to how God might use me to interact with people He puts in my path? I am convicted even as I write this.

Last week in class, David Powlison said, "Jesus was busy. But He was never rushed." We talked about how strong and prevalent distraction is in our culture today. I am constantly distracted. I am aware of a need to change. I need the Holy Spirit to work in and through me. To help me build relationships {real friendships} with unbelievers...for the purpose of sharing Hope and Life with them. Am I too busy with the "big vision" of getting groceries, or finishing laundry, or doing business...that I miss those "little visions" of how I can love, serve, and care for others in the mundane?

From what I can tell, all of Jesus' ministry was done in the mundane.

Lord, please. Help me better know who You are, that I might reflect You to those You put in my path. Help me fight distraction and be focused on You even in the mundane.

Monday, September 3, 2012


It's been a challenging few weeks. Not circumstantially...but inwardly. In my heart, and my mind. Josh and I, along with some family members, have just finished the book Radical by David Platt.

It has been life-transforming. Perspective-altering. I recommend it to you. Highly.

The reader is challenged to take a look at the wealth in America. I have never in my life considered myself to be wealthy...until reading this book. Mere shelter, water, food, and transportation of any kind {including public} make me among a very small percent of the wealthiest in the WORLD.

Josh just finished reading Forgotten God by Francis Chan and I have benefited from his thoughts on it greatly. Can't wait to dig into it myself.

God is using these books {they are mere tools...He is the One working} to open my eyes and challenge my perspective.

I take pride in how little money we have spent on our furniture or decorations in our apartment. I make it a personal goal to spend as little as I can on food for us each month. Often, I make gifts instead of purchasing them. I love coupons, and getting deals. I take comfort in knowing we give money away regularly and work to live on as little as possible. We have what I would consider a small savings account for emergencies.


Funny word, huh? Francis Chan challenges the perspective of our "Emergency Funds" maybe fix a car. Or not need to be uncomfortable, but just keep right on living as if a great expense hadn't come up unexpectedly. {makes it kind of easy to not trust God if our hearts aren't engaged} Yet. Isn't starvation around the world an emergency? Or sex trafficking? Kind of puts my "emergency" in a different I not think other's lives are as important as mine? my running-perfectly car? ::gulp::

Do I turn and look away from how a sacrifice of my earthly comforts, could make a difference in eternity? Do I ACTUALLY believe this life is temporary, and the next is forever? Ugh. It is so sad. So often, I do not live to believe this.

I have been challenged by the teaching of Christ. To give. My time. My gifts. My resources. He has given them all to me. To enjoy, yes. And to give away to bless others.

Not giving what is comfortable to give...or what's left over. David Platt talks about "What we can spare" and "What it will take." He has helped me re-define "necessity."

Just think how different the Gospel would look if God didn't ask the question, "What will it take" in regards to saving us. Praise Him for sending our Saviour!

"Well ya, but..." has been the beginning of many, many, many thoughts as I've listened, dialogued, read, and prayed. Yet, the probing of my heart has not stopped.

I am so grateful for a husband who so understands the message of Christ-- one that challenges our hearts. He has been an amazing godly encouragement and leads me so well. Encouraging me with things like, "Wealth is not wrong. Loving it is."

Right. It's not about how much I am giving or what homeless/poverty ministry {if any} I'm involved in. But where is my heart? What am I really passionate about? How MUCH do I want to help others? Am I willing to sacrifice? Do I even know what that means?

This blog post has no resolution to is mere musings. Thoughts not fully processed. Join me in wrestling with what this looks like for you. It will be different for both of us.

But my prayer is that as a nation especially...with more wealth and resources than any other...that as a church, we would be affected by the needs around us...mostly the spiritual needs. And that we would be bothered enough to actually do something about them.