Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Really, this is insane.

On a weekly basis, numerous times, we stand in front of hundreds of children and dozens of teachers, and tell them the most wonderfully glorious life-changing news of the Gospel. We tell them freely. With few funny looks, no offended or unhappy teachers, and all-smiley faces. Every time I leave utterly amazed at this opportunity. Door WIDE open. Praise the LORD.

Today I explained to Monnow Primary School (with much acting help from Ivy and Taige as I narrated) that we all have needs. Just like the blind man sitting on the side of the road, whom Jesus healed by putting mud in his eyes, we have needs and we need Jesus' help.

I proceeded to tell them that Jesus took care of our greatest need by dying on the cross for all the wrong things we've done so we could be forgiven and have a relationship with God. I get to SAY THAT OUT LOUD.

I am loving being reminded of this simple Truth of life eternal that is ours by faith alone. I am learning to more clearly, concisely, and simply explain the gospel and its most amazing implications on a regular basis. I am still such a "baby" in the evangelism world. But in God's kindness, He helps me, and this year, is training me. There is much to learn!

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