Vanessa has been one of my closest friends for almost a DECADE now. Wow, that makes me feel so old. She has dreamed with me, been through the highest ups and lowest downs in life so far, and always has been just a phone call away. We've spent hours laughing at ourselves, probably thousands of dollars in gas back and forth from the houses we grew up in, and spent the night at each other's houses more than any other person in my life! I love you, Vanessa. I'm so glad we got to see each other before I go.
Emily and I first met when I babysat for her when I was like 12. =) In my "in between year" in Virginia she was one of my dear middle schoolers at Christ Community. We've kept in touch, and she came to visit me in Orlando in February for her birthday! I love our coffee dates, emails and phone calls. Em, I love watching the LORD pursue your heart. It's amazing the convictions you have at such a young age. I love you, sweet girl. I look forward to keeping in touch this year!
This is Emily pretending she saw the Jonas Brothers outside. Oh my.
What is up with the facination of the Jonas Brothers?!?!
So remember JJ how I used to always tell you that in your emails you write exactly how you talk? Yeah...still true. Even if it still doesn't make sense to you :-).
so did u really see jk...
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